Participating in an obesity clinical trial may be a great decision to help you combat a weight problem. Obesity clinical trials often give you multiple tools and education to possibly make changes in your life style, but there are big decisions regarding participation since you are agreeing to a clinical trial of an investigational medication.

If you are thinking about partaking in one of these trials, it is important that you take the time to understand the responsibility of participation.

There are a few things to consider when you're thinking about participating in an obesity clinical trial.

Personal Decisions and Objectives 

One of the most important factors involved in deciding to participate in an obesity trial is making sure that you have a good understanding of the trial's goals, possible benefits and risks.  


For example, the trials' treatment plans for weight loss can differ. Some trials may use an investigational oral medication, others may use an injection of a investigational medication, while others may involve lifestyle changes, and other trials may be a combination of the two.  Some trials involve a placebo, and you, the physician, and the research staff may not know that you are receiving the placebo.   Only you can decide that you are interested in participating after reviewing the  clinical trial's informed consent. 

Where are you in your exploration of weight loss? Have you attempted to change your diet and lifestyle?  Or have you been trying to lose weight for quite some time now and are hoping that the trial can give you the push towards a healthier lifestyle along with an investigational medication that may help achieve weight loss? 

Some people may only be looking to change their diets, while others may be willing to make comprehensive lifestyle changes. Understanding yourself and your goals is critical when considering what to look for in an obesity clinical trial.  Setting realistic goals for yourself is key to success. Talking to your personal physician may help you in deciding if a clinical trial is right for you.

Considering an Obesity Clinical Trial

Once you have a good understanding of your own goals and objectives, examine the specific clinical trial you are considering to determine if it's the right fit for you. 

  1. Trial Phase
    First, think about what phase the clinical trial is in. Some trials may be in a later stage of testing, while others may be still in the preliminary phase (Phase 1).  Ask yourself whether or not you would be willing to partake in a trial still in the earlier stages of testing where less is known about the benefits and risks.

  2. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
    Your current health also helps determine whether you can participate in a trial or not. Preexisting conditions can sometimes exclude you from participation, so be sure to disclose any health related problems.  And in some situations, the trial may be looking for a specific illness or condition along with obesity.   

    Other inclusion criteria often includes age, weight, sex, or availability and willingness to attend regular office visits--some of which can be quite lengthy. Make sure you can commit to all of the trial's requirements before agreeing to participate, and ask questions if you are unsure.   The research staff are there to answer questions.  The inclusion criteria are established to help promote safety for those participating as well as to ensure the researchers' objectives of the trial are met.

  3. Research Facility and Staff Qualifications
    You also will want to consider the staff and researchers who are running the trial. What is their reputation and years of experience?  Review their qualifications.  Have they successfully run other clinical trials in the past? What have past participants said about the studies they participated in? 

    Again, don't be afraid to ask any questions you may have along the way. Do as much research as you can so that you can ensure that those who are performing the trial are qualified to help you with your particular needs.

Get Started With An Obesity Clinical Trial 

An obesity clinical trial may help you lose weight and may improve your overall health. Knowing what to look for in an obesity clinical trial is paramount to selecting the right trial for your goals and lifestyle. Take the time to compare all the different trials that are available for you so that you can determine if participating is right for you. 

If you're interested in learning more about some steps you can take to better your health, download our free white paper. 

Our white paper covers dietary information and explains the connection between what you eat and your heart health. Download now to learn more. 


Download the cardiovascular health white paper

We are currently recruiting patients for a medical research study for obese patients. If you're interested in learning more about our study, click the button below. 

Learn More About This Trial

Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions your may have about participation in a clinical trial!