Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD), the most commonly reported form of female sexual dysfunction, is more common than you think.  Although it is difficult to get accurate  estimations, some think it could be as high as 55% of women worldwide suffer from HSDD. Too often, women are reluctant to seek help because they are embarrassed to discuss it, or simply aren’t sure how to talk about the subject. 

Seeking Treatment

It may be very difficult to know how to initiate the first step when it comes to talking about your symptoms. Many women feel so uncomfortable that they place the weight of getting better solely on themselves.  Maybe they doubt the real existence of their symptoms. Maybe they have heard, or been told "it is all in your head". There may be some truth to that statement, but not the way people think.  

Although the internet has a vast resource of information, be careful. Go to, and use trustworthy sources. An example would include government based sources.  If women aren’t taking about sexual dysfunction, they are also failing to seek treatment. Many women believe that it's all in their heads or that there is no treatment for the condition. Many believe they can handle HSDD on their own without seeking medical help. Even those who do want medical help may think its not available to them, simply because they do not see a gynecologist. The fact of the matter is a family doctor is qualified to diagnose and treat female sexual dysfunction, and screening for this condition can be quick and easy for both the patient and the doctor.  


The First Steps For Treating HSDD

If you have experienced sexual dysfunction, you can get treatment. The first step is understanding that your sexual health and well-being are important parts of your overall health. If your doctor doesn’t mention your sexual health at your regular visits, feel empowered to bring it up. Remember that your doctor, whether a gynecologist or family care physician, is an important resource in maintaining your health and well-being and  that includes your sexual health. 

You may feel more prepared and comfortable talking about female sexual dysfunction if you do your own research prior to your doctor’s visit and bring your notes along with you during your visit. This can help you remember points you want to cover and questions you’d like to ask. Most importantly, sharing your research with your doctor can help you separate the facts from the myths about HSDD. 

Breaking the Taboo

There are many benefits of opening this type of dialogue with your doctor. First and foremost, you and your doctor can discuss your unique situation and develop a care plan. This type of dialogue can also work to build a more trusting relationship between you and your doctor and break the taboos surrounding female sexual health. 

As more and more women open up and talk about Female Sexual Dysfunction, doctors, researchers and most importantly, women suffering from HSDD will recognize the importance of discussing women's sexual health. this type of open dialogue could mean more accurate diagnoses, improved treatments and relief for millions of women. 

If you are a woman with female sexual dysfunction, the figures show that you are not alone. Seeing your doctor is the first step in getting treatment and erasing taboos regarding female sexual health.

Learn more about clinical trials currently being offered for female sexual dysfunction.

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